YouTube Video View Rate

Average YouTube video view rate in the last month

Every month, we publish the average YouTube Video View Rate (VVR) - based on hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos from all over the world. With the analysis feature of DotSimple you get these and many other key figures automatically for your own social media channels - without manual calculation.

The average video view rate on YouTube last month was:

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How has the video view rate on YouTube developed?

YouTube is anything but static - and that also applies to the view rate. Let's take a look at the development over the last year: The values fluctuate from month to month, which is why it makes sense to compare your own performance with the average.

DotSimple shows you at a glance how your own reach is developing over time - across all channels and available at any time.


How to calculate the video view rate on YouTube

Unlike other platforms, YouTube counts a view not simply after a few seconds of playback. Instead, several factors are taken into account:

📌 Video Views / Impressions = VVR
📌 Channel VVR = average of all VVRs in the selected period (e.g. last month)

YouTube not only takes into account the Playback durationbut also the Visual behavior of the userwhich Video lengthwhich Quality of the channel and other criteria.

What influences the video view rate on YouTube?

Anyone who works with video will tell you: The first few seconds decide everything!

If you want to increase your view rate, you have to Pack immediately. This means:

  • The first few seconds have to be right - No long intro, but a direct visual or content highlight
  • Suspense right from the start - a hook that arouses interest
  • Clear expectations - What does the viewer get in this video?
  • Suitable video format - Shorts perform differently than long content

YouTube rates the quality of a video strongly according to the Visual behavior of the users. Do they stick with it or do they bounce? The better you understand these dynamics, the more likely you are to optimize your videos so that they are watched for longer - and thus the VVR increases.

Conclusion: YouTube rewards captivating content. Your task? Grab your audience from the very first second!

With DotSimple you plan, analyze & optimize your content in one place - efficiently, time-saving and stress-free. 🚀

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