Average engagement rate on YouTube in the last month
Every month, we publish the average Engagement rate (ER) on YouTube - based on hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos from all over the world. With the analysis feature of DotSimple you get these and many other key figures automatically for your own social media channels - without manual calculation.
The average engagement rate on YouTube in the last month was
How has the YouTube engagement rate developed?
Engagement on YouTube is anything but constant. If we look at the figures for the last year, it quickly becomes clear that the monthly averages fluctuate regularly. This is precisely why it is important not only to look at your own performance in isolation, but also to compare it with the general trend.
DotSimple shows you at a glance how your own reach is developing over time - across all channels and available at any time.
How to calculate the engagement rate on YouTube
YouTube actually makes it easy for us compared to other platforms - there is a clear formula for the Engagement rate (ER) 🎉
📌 Video ER = (Likes + Comments + Shares) ÷ Video views
📌 Channel ER = average of all video ERs within a certain period (e.g. last month)
In short: The engagement rate shows how many viewers interact with your videos - whether through likes, comments or sharing the video.
What influences the YouTube engagement rate?
Various factors play a role when it comes to how well your videos perform on YouTube. Here are some of the most important ones:
- Interaction behavior: Do people like your video? Are they commenting? Is it shared or rather disliked?
- Provocative content: Controversial topics can provoke more reactions - whether positive or negative.
- Watch Time: How long does the audience stay tuned? YouTube loves it when people watch your videos to the end.
- Number of subscribers: Larger channels often have higher engagement rates, but this is no guarantee of success.
- YouTube algorithm: Changes to the platform can affect how often your video is recommended.
- Title, description & hashtags: A strong title and a clear description with the right hashtags help to gain more visibility.
YouTube engagement is not an exact science, but one thing is certain: without interactions, your content remains invisible. Time to compare your commitment with the current averages!
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