LinkedIn Organic Reach Rate

Average organic reach on LinkedIn in the last month

Every month, we analyze the average Organic reach (ORR) of LinkedIn company pages - based on hundreds of thousands of pages worldwide. With the analysis feature of DotSimple you get these and many other key figures automatically for your own social media channels - without manual calculation.

The average organic reach on LinkedIn in the last month was

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How has the organic reach on LinkedIn developed?

LinkedIn is dynamic - and this is also reflected in its organic reach. Just take a look at the developments over the past year: The monthly averages fluctuate constantly. It is therefore worth not only keeping an eye on your own figures, but also comparing them with the overall trend.

DotSimple shows you at a glance how your own reach is developing over time - across all channels and available at any time.


How to calculate the organic reach on LinkedIn

In short: Organic reach shows how many of your followers see your posts - without any paid ads.

The formula for this is very simple:

📌 Post ORR = (organic reach of a post / number of followers)
📌 ORR profile = average of all post-ORRs within a certain period (e.g. last month)

If you advertise posts, you will see two values: Organic range and Paid reach. ORR refers exclusively to the non-paid share - in other words, how many people see your content without ads. And if your numbers are in the single digits? Then it might be time to think about a strategic combination of organic and paid reach.

What influences organic reach on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers more opportunities to build organic reach compared to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Here are some factors that can make a big difference:

  • Interaction with your posts: Likes, comments - but above all sharing your posts brings enormous organic distribution.
  • Engagement chains: As soon as a follower interacts with your post, it is automatically displayed to their network.
  • Algorithm advantages: LinkedIn pushes company pages more than many people think - especially if the content is actively shared by users.
  • Viral posts: It is quite possible that your ORR is over 100 %. This means that your post is gaining reach outside of your followers. This is not uncommon on smaller company pages.

So don't let anyone tell you that organic reach on LinkedIn is dead - it's alive and well and can be really powerful if you're smart about it.

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