YouTube Growth Rate

Average growth rate on YouTube in the last month Every month we publish the average growth rate (GR) on YouTube - based on hundreds of thousands of YouTube channels from all over the world. With DotSimple's analytics feature, you get these and many other metrics automatically for your own social media channels - without any manual calculations. The average growth rate on YouTube last month was [...]

YouTube Video View Rate

Average YouTube video view rate in the last month Every month we publish the average YouTube video view rate (VVR) - based on hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos from all over the world. With DotSimple's analytics feature, you get these and many other metrics automatically for your own social media channels - without manual calculation. The average video view rate on [...]

YouTube Engagement Rate

Average engagement rate on YouTube in the last month Every month we publish the average engagement rate (ER) on YouTube - based on hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos from all over the world. With DotSimple's analytics feature, you get these and many more metrics automatically for your own social media channels - without any manual calculations. The average engagement rate on YouTube in the last month [...]

Instagram Video View Rate

Average Instagram video view rate in the last month Every month we publish the average video view rate (VVR) on Instagram. This is based on hundreds of thousands of Instagram videos from around the world. With DotSimple's analytics feature, you get these and many other metrics automatically for your own social media channels - without any manual calculations. The average video view rate on Instagram last month was: [...]

Facebook Organic Reach Rate

Average organic reach on Facebook in the last month Every month we publish the average organic reach (ORR) on Facebook - based on data from hundreds of thousands of Facebook pages. With DotSimple's analytics feature, you get this and many other metrics automatically for your own social media channels - without manual calculation. The average organic reach on Facebook [...]